Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Beautiful People

Ever since yesterday's feather boa sighting, I have noticed the people around me instead of remaining in my NYC bubble. There are a LOT of good looking people walking the streets or riding on the mass transit system of Manhattan. Am I the last person to realize I am surrounded by beautiful people?

For instance...I stopped into my favorite deli to pick up some food for a late lunch today. Normally I won't eat a ton if it is late in the day, but there was the most gorgeous guy ordering from the hot foods that I just had to get a heaping helping of baked macaroni and cheese. This food selection was made purely so I could stand next to his beautifulness and hope it would transfer to me via osmosis. Unfortunately, I think the only result from my experiment is I had to eat really nasty macaroni and cheese.

Therefore, I will resolve that next time I see a beautiful person I will smile at them because as the new television show 6 degrees (on ABC Wednesday nights after Lost) teaches, "the person you pass on the street could become your best friend." And, a girl in the big city can never have enough friends, especially if they are part of the beautiful people club.


Donetta said...

Oh, there are some very beautiful people in NYC. I saw at least a dozen on the subway this morning.

Twinkie said...

come to utah. there aren't very many here. unless you're into that whole blonde, blue-eyed, i-look-the-same-as-everyone-else look. which if you are, then utah is your heaven on earth. i miss new york city.

PinkyMcG said...

Good to know that Utah has kept the same-as-everyone-else look going. New York misses you, terribly!