Wednesday, November 09, 2011

yanni, the cure for the common insomniac

joani told me today that she has been struggling with insomnia.  has to be one of the most frustrating things to deal with because you literally can't do anything about it unless you start popping pills which i DO NOT want joani to do.  that could just open up a whole nother can of worms.

as i was thinking of natural things to suggest to joani for her insomniac ways, a light bulb went off above my head (not literally mind you).  the answer was so great and perfect in its simplicity.  joani needs to embrace yanni in her life.  he can make the mind wander into a haze of bliss that is conducive to eyes closing and the REM cycle starting.  go ahead and tell me i'm wrong.  doctors need to start prescribing his music to insomniacs the world over.

to help motivate joani to embrace the yanni i've chosen my favorite slumber inducing piece of my greek buddy to demonstrate below.  i beseech you my madre to take one yanni "pill" and call me in the morning.

...please don't become fixated on yanni's perfectly coiffed mane of hair or groomed to within an inch of itself moustache.  really wish the director had focused on his hands tickling the ivories rather than his facial expressions as he "feels" the music.  oh well, i blame the 90s...

and good night.

1 comment:

Johnson Family said...

i used to listen to this cd while I did my homework when I was in high school. But now I am going to have to try it on my insomnia.
p.s. Morgan and I will be in the Big Apple from November 28th (tues) through that sunday. Just so ya know! I would love to see you while we are there, but understand if you are too busy!