Monday, August 28, 2006

The Subway Mist

I finally experienced what I like to call the "subway mist" coming home from work tonight on the uptown 6 train. The "subway mist" is the feeling while traveling that everyone and everything around you is speeding by while you sit there silently and immobile. It came on suddenly and was gone in a flash.
That moment of feeling inconsequential while everything around you is speeding by was completely surreal. I have seen so many images of "subway mist" but nothing compares to the real life experience. This is just another reason to love the subway and the fact that I get to ride it at least twice a day.

1 comment:

Donetta said...

Hey - you posted an update! That's so great. And by the way, the five bullet points that you made about the past year are all excellent things to have noted for a year gone by. Honestly, I can't believe that it's been a year....but I guess that's what happens when you get older.