Friday, November 11, 2011

gift ideas for moi

joani made the dreaded call a few days ago.  it was the call asking me for ideas of what i would like for christmas this year.  i'm TERRIBLE at coming up with ideas for people to buy me gifts.  as previously posted i fully know that i'm a difficult person to buy a gift for.  i'm very specific in what i do and don't like.  i clearly know this about myself.  the other issue with buying me gifts is that i live in new york where space is tight and i can find everything on my own. 

must say that joani wasn't the first to request ideas from moi about gift giving.  moocher texted me a couple of weeks ago because she won the sibling lottery when i was assigned as her designated sibling to buy for.  sorry mooch.  in my own defense i did tell her what i wanted.  top of my list is an employed man to take me on a date.  really hope she's working on getting that present wrapped up under the christmas tree. 

i guess this blog post is really an apology to my mom at my utter lack of help when it comes to buying things for me that i might like and don't have to store for the majority of the year.  so sorry joani.  if i think of anything that doesn't involve the word "card" at the end of it i'll let you know.  until then inspiration can always be gleaned from my wishlist located on the left side of this blog. 

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