The stress of computer shopping has become overwhelming. The questions and needs are endless when determining which computer purchase. Am I a steady PCer or can I be turned to the 'dark' side and become a MAC user? What will be the fundamental purpose of the computer? How much RAM is too much? Can you ever have too much hard drive space?
These questions could all be answered by a friendly customer service representative on either side of the great computer debate. Unfortunately that is not what I got when I treked down to the Appple store in SoHo www.apple.com with my friend Kool Aid this past week.
I decided to enter the MAC world so I wanted clarification on some products I had researched on the internet. First, the SoHo Store is always packed with people even on a late and humid Monday evening. So I wandered with my friend Kool Aid until we flagged down a salesman. He barely gave me the time of day and wouldn't look me in the eye. Now I believe I am a woman of few pet peeves. But most asuredly one is when people don't sustain eye contact while speaking to me. This salesman kept looking around while I was asking questions and then would continuously tell me to buy everything online. Obviously this guy doesn't work on commission.
Thank goodness for Kool Aid who spent about an hour of her precious time teaching me, the MAC virgin, about all the nifty things this machine does in comparison to the dreaded, Microsoft saturated PC.
I am still going to purchase the beautiful MAC and try to remember the warm fuzzy feelings I got as I entered the Store doors, before the dreaded eye wandering salesman dashed my enthusiasm for this life altering purchase.