Friday, December 01, 2006

My Apologies to Joani

Joani...I'm sorry for making you paranoid that your talented and independent oldest daughter could have possibly been laying in the streets of New York mugged and otherwise injured. I'm sorry that I don't have a home phone. I apologize for not being at my desk this morning when you called to check that I was still alive. Overall, I ask for your forgiveness for not realizing I needed to call Moocher and you back when my cell phone battery died during our conversation late last night. I didn't realize you would start imagining terrible things that happened to me. I promise to be more aware of my cell phone battery power and will change my voicemail at work to include the option to dial the operator and have me located.

Thank you for caring so much that you were willing to track me down when the standards options were not working.

Big hugs to my Joani!

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