Friday, April 13, 2007

MetroCard Disappearing Act

After arriving at the subway yesterday in the pouring rain I reached for my MetroCard only to discover I did not have it. This wouldn't be the end of the world but my MetroCard and my office building pass were together meaning it would have been a pain not to have my pass. Also I enjoyed a great meal with Supplier at Chennai Garden meaning multiple trips on NY's mass transit system. With all that bearing on my mind, I made the decision to leave the shelter from the rain and trek back to my apartment.

At the end of my delicious meal with Supplier at Chennai Garden on 27th street I realized that I didn't have my building pass/MetroCard combo. I was dumbfounded, stupified and perplexed to realized that I had left it in the office. About mid-afternoon I put on my in-office blazer because of a chill in the air. Of course I put my building pass/MetroCard combo in the pocket as I meandered around the office floor. Being a ding-dong I forgot to take it from the blazer pocket to my purse. So I was forced to purchase a $4 MetroCard at Grand Central to get me home and to work the next day.

The moral of the story is to keep tabs on your wallet, cell phone, iPod and MetroCard/building pass because the loss of one or all could cause personal meltdown.


Donetta said...

glad you found it!

Anonymous said...

Good post.

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.