Friday, November 16, 2007

Oh Sweet Jimmy

Jimmy rocked the house last Friday night. It was an overall great evening. Big Mike, Artiste and Claire met me at my office and we walked to Lasagna Restaurant on 2nd which was really enjoyable. Then took the lovely 57th Street crosstown bus to the venue. We randomly met some other Jimmy concert attendees heading over. The bus ride was also prime time for Big Mike to review the new tunes of Chase This Light.

I had never been to the venue before. It was a decent venue with good sound. We girls dropped off our purses and coats and headed into the crowds with two of the tallest men in the venue. We didn't endear ourselves to those standing behind. However, we were quite nice and moved towards the rear since three out of the four of us had a clear view over the shorter heads.

They played a great selection of songs from all of their albums. My highlights were Kill, Always Be, Carry You, 23 and Hear You Me. My all time favorite was performed as the first of the encore. They re-arranged their Your House song and it was fantastic! Take a moment to enjoy the goodness.

After the show Artiste risked bodily injury and illness to grab us a cab in the pouring rain. Thanks man! It was a great time had by all the Jimmy junkies. I can hardly wait to see them again in Florida.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad that you posted that song! i love it!