Monday, March 31, 2008

N.K.O.T.B. - Yeah!

A couple months ago my buddy Yoga Master sent me an email about the newly created/updated New Kids on the Block website.  I couldn't believe that there was a possibility that Jordan, Donnie, Jonathan, Danny & Joey might once again bring joy to their legion of now 30 something fans.  

I was even more excited when I heard they were coming to the Today Show on NBC this Friday.  I work in the building across the street from the Today Show Studio so I thought maybe I could take a quick "break" to see the men of N.K.O.T.B. but then remembered that I will be out of town on Friday!  The one time I would join the annoying crowds outside my office building and I'm out of town.  Oh well I can always dream about the reunion of 'N Sync.  

Can't wait to see what the big announcement is from the New Kids on the Block!


Anonymous said...

Isn’t this one of the first signs of the Apocalypse?

Anonymous said...

Finally NKOTB is reuniting! It's about time that New Kids On The Block tours again. I can't wait to see them in concert. I've always been a big fan. Hear their new song and see some new pics over at
They still look and sound great!