Wednesday, December 02, 2009

a little something that reminds me of childhood

i decorated my humble abode over the weekend. my joani would always make our home look and smell like Christmas. in her honor i took down the art on my living room walls and wrapped them in wrapping paper and bows. then i put them back up in their place on my wall. whenever i glance over from the couch and see the wrapped "art" it reminds me of how much my mommy loves Christmas and how excited i am to be with her and the rest of the utah clan this year.


Aly said...

Yeah for Christmas decorating!! I want to see pictures of your wrapped art work on the wall, please!

Rahni said...

LOVE that tradition of your mom's--way to keep it going!

Johnson Family said...

what an awesome tradition! Now I want to wrap all my art too!!! I hope you are doing great out there in the Big Apple!
Love ya,