Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a little bit of city shaking

about 2pm today there was an earthquake in new york city.  the epicenter was in virgina.  the funny thing was how nervous everyone got.  to me it really wasn't a big deal because i've been through numerous earthquakes based on my youth in the bay area of california.  i was the calm, cool and collected one in the office while the "lived all my life on the east coast" peeps became absolutely unhinged by about 8 seconds of shaking.

around 3pm i went outside to get some air.  was sitting on 6th avenue when a woman came up to ask myself and the woman next to me if we had felt the earthquake.  we both said yes and so she asked where we were when we felt it.  the woman next to me said how she was nervous by the shaking.  i told her i was from the west coast so it didn't match any of the others i had previously been in.  can you guess which one of us the nbc4 news channel lady chose to interview on camera?  i'll give you one guess.

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