Thursday, October 06, 2011

welcome october

welcome to the first month of the fourth quarter of the year.  october is one of my favorite months of the year for many reasons.  here are a few:
this october has the added bonus of absolutely gorgeous weather, a singles conference complete with a halal lunch and devotional by member of the seventy, vacation to LONDON and fall photography class in central park with my friend cara courtesy of groupon. 

october really is the final moment of bliss before the misery and woe of freezing temperatures, bus stop closed due to rock center tree, planning biggest annual RS event, barren trees in central park and need to wear five layers to combat the wind tunnels.  thank goodness for thanksgiving, christmas and disney world as event to look forward to once a month from november through january.  if only i had something to plan  to get me through the bleakest month of the year - february.  i'm sure i'll think of something to get me out of town and into sunshine & warmth to combat the february doldrums.

so welcome october.  it's always nice to welcome back an old friend.


Aly said...

Enjoy your East Coast October. We didn't get a lot of time to enjoy the fall colors, there's already snow in the mountains over here.

Laura said...

Bleak February? Why not come to LA for a sunshine fill and visit??????

PinkyMcG said...

laura - how about president's day weekend? i can book a flight right now. :)