Friday, February 01, 2008

Blasted Ankle

On December 4th I fell crossing the street in front of my apartment.  It was the kind of fall where another person has to literally pick you up from the ground and then you grasp street light because your ankle can't hold your weight.  It was not a fun situation trying to climb my four flights of stairs after that incident.  My good friend Netter went with me to the ER for some doctoring and crutches.  I did my exercises, used the crutches and tried to pay more attention to where I was walking.

I give this background because tonight in the pouring rain I fell AGAIN on the same ankle.  It became swollen and painful all over again.  I'm annoyed because of the street holes in New York, the pounding rain and the fact that my ankle hurts like the devil.  There goes my big plans of partying all weekend long.  Gosh darn it!

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